Troy Hepfner from MyGameCompany informed me about his latest game Dirk Dashing 2: E.V.I.L Eye ! Secret agent Dirk Dashing returns for a brand new mission! After a wicked computer virus destroys G.O.O.D’s new computer network, Dirk must track down the cyber criminal responsible for the attack. His mission leads him to a massive global […]
Posts Tagged ‘Dirk Dashing’
Dirk Dashing 2: E.V.I.L Eye Is Released!
Posted: 3rd July 2012 by Maxim Bardin in UncategorizedTags: Dirk Dashing, mygamecompany
Dirk Dashing 2 Is Now Available For Pre-Ordering !
Posted: 26th August 2011 by Maxim Bardin in UncategorizedTags: Dirk Dashing
Secret agent Dirk Dashing is back for a brand new mission! After a wicked computer virus destroys G.O.O.D’s new computer network, agent Dirk Dashing must track down the cyber criminal responsible for the attack. His mission leads him to a massive global corporation, owned by one of the wealthiest men in the world. Help Dirk […]
Black Friday Sale !
Posted: 24th November 2010 by Maxim Bardin in UncategorizedTags: Basilisk Games, Dirk Dashing, Droid Assault, Eschalon, My Game Company, Puppy Games, Titan Attacks, Ultratron
For those of you outside the United States (like myself), Black Friday is the day after the American Thanksgiving holiday that marks the first official shopping day of Christmas. It is the day when retailers offer all kinds of incredible sales opportunities that they hope will put them in the black for the year (enabling […]