Hello friends.
In the past few days my older blog was visited 374 times, it went from zero to 133 and 187 on the next day – rapid growth !
I hope that you still keep visiting the new blog at least as much as you visited my old one.
It was 1 A.M when I posted the message on my old blog about moving to this one, so I was brief and left some thing undone (like the theme that wasn’t complete), in this post I will try to explain in more detail why I did this move and why it’s good for you.
After my old blog was up for 2 days and got some interest from the Linux Gaming Community my old friend Rich from Linux-Hardcore contacted me and offered to move my blog to his domain.
At first I hesitated but now I see a BIG difference and all for the better.
Now I can easily search and install hundreds of themes and plugins with a few clicks, the server is much faster (at least for me) and there is an expansion possibilities.
I can add a Wiki and we already have a forums , more things are possible as well.
I hope you understand why I made this move, and if you have something to say – please comment.