The GNU/Linux friendly company Winter Wolves has released a demo of squeal to Vera Blanc: Full Moon which is a manga inspired heavy dialog mystery detective game.
Vera Blanc Episode 2 “Ghost In The Castle” demo is now out and you can download it from here.

From the blogpost :

The second episode of Vera Blanc, “Ghost In The Castle”, is officially out. To find more about it, just visit the game official page at
This time, Vera must investigate a mysterious ghost that is haunting a old castle in the italian town of Bargi. It’s the ghost real or is a myth? is Roberto Anastasi, the man who hired you for this case, hiding something? why Eva and the Master are still following you?

You’ll find answers to all those questions in the second and for now last episode. As I said before, it’s very unlikely that a 3rd chapter of the game will be released in this format, since the production costs are much higher than those of a traditional visual novel, but maybe next year something might change. I would like to make a “real adventure game” based on Vera Blanc character since I think would be perfect for that kind of game.

Imagine something similar to those good old Lucasfilm adventures with many puzzles to solve, less texts to read, and maybe a fully voiced version.

However, first need to finish several other projects I’ve started (many RPGs and otome games) and then next year we’ll see. Meanwhile, if you like the games I’m producing, and if you like the character of Vera Blanc, please buy the game and spread the word so the chances of having a 3rd great episode will increase

So for now, au revoir Vera Blanc. Hopefully she’ll come back next year in a completely new gameplay system, and why not, maybe with a more manga-oriented style!

You can buy each part for $20 or both parts at $34

Thanks mateo for bringing those great news to LGN.


Winter Wolves
Official Vera Blanc Website
Vera Blanc Episode 2 “Ghost In The Castle” Blogpost
Vera Blanc Section At The Winter Wolves Website
Vera Blanc Episode 2 “Ghost In The Castle” Demo
Forum Thread About The Demo