Sylvain Labbe aka Ozzy from Sunday Coders announced the GNU/Linux release of his game Marball Odyssey. “I’m proud to announce that Marball Odyssey is ready to go for Gnu/Linux with the help of many community enthusiasts! The game is available as a shareware proggy on the Sunday Coders website. The Full version is available as […]
Posts Tagged ‘Marball Odyssey’
Marball Odyssey Released For GNU/Linux !
Posted: 30th August 2011 by Maxim Bardin in UncategorizedTags: Marball Odyssey, Sunday Coders
Marball Odyssey Needs GNU/Linux Testers !
Posted: 24th August 2011 by Maxim Bardin in UncategorizedTags: Marball Odyssey, Sunday Coders
Ozzy from “Sunday Coders” told LGN that they are porting their game Marball Odyssey to GNU/Linux and need testers to make sure it would work on as many distros as possible. So if you have time you can contact ozzy via desura as ozzyyzzo or at . About Marball Odyssey MarBall Odyssey is an […]