I Will Survive looks like an interesting platform game with dark homer, uncensored adult content, gore and zombies.
All animations are made frame by frame, drawn by hand and looks excellent.
With ~50 playable characters and ~150 monsters/zombies to kill, this is a huge amount of work.
I really don’t know why there are so few backers to this project with it’s already low goal of 5,000 British Pounds.
I Will Survive is a multi-genre, somewhat endless game in a comic style with an uncensored design an story built on sarcasm and satire.
Decaying Logic needs your help. We are a small team founded in 2011 by Matt D. C & Lampros Papadopoulos working towards our dream of finishing and releasing our game ‘I Will Survive’. We are reaching out to the gaming community because we want our project to reach its highest possible potential.
The more funds we have the more we can do and the more platforms we can aim at, and…. software licenses are really expensive and we don’t have big company pockets.
Most stories follow the hero, the survival minded protagonist who will prevail no matter what situation is thrown at him. We want to take the opposite approach and focus on the people whose lives were cut short due to unforeseen consequence, and therefore not able to tell their story no matter how heroic or tragic.
I Will Survive has been up on Steam Greenlight for a few months now and we’ve had a lot of attention and overall a great response from the community. You can find the page HERE if you want to check it out and maybe help us out with a vote up and see our game on Steam.
As well as for the PC, Mac and Linux, we will be making versions for Android and IOS. We want to try to bring the game out on as many platforms as possible and if we can we’ll go for the Xbox360 and PS3 too.
We have around 50 playable characters so far and our enemy count almost triples that. Quality to us is number one and we never re-skin the same characters or enemies to give the game more filler. Every level and environment is built from the ground up. The idea of reusing the same levels and copy pasting everywhere is pointless and we would rather put in the effort. Eye candy tastes good and we have lots of it.
Each character has its own unique weapons and capabilities, with its own story to tell, which will play out in segments as you switch between them.
Everything you see in the game is hand drawn and animations are carefully done frame by frame then colored, animated and polished down again to give each movement the smoothest possible finish.
As a thank you to all who donate to help our project reach its full potential, we have a bunch of cool stuff to give away such as T-shirts, key rings, stickers, original signed artwork from the game, PDF and some hard copies of our Survival Guide/Art Book.
Thanks for reading this and looking at our project. For more pictures of the game and artwork, checkout the IWS website HERE.
Check out the website to see more screenshots, concept art and to generally get to know more about the game. You can also follow what we’re doing via Twitter, IndieDB, Facebook, joing our STEAM group or of course at our little dev blog on the website.
They can still make money out of it (provided they can make a release), if it gets included in a future Humble Bundle.