The Real Time Strategy game Sword Of Justice from 4flash once had a kickstarter campaign which I’ve posted about, but sadly it failed hard.
Now they try again on IndieGoGo with a much more modest goal of $70k and much more time to gather the funds – although sadly it doesn’t seems good either…
They really have something there, their game is at advanced stages of development and they can already show lots of content – I don’t understand why it hasn’t been funded yet.
You have supported the projects of innumerable known and unknown groups, helping them to completion. In our story we have counted on you, the players also…
…Long-long time ago, in a distant land in Central Europe, after the disbandment of EIDOS Hungary, a few of us remained together and decided that we would try and continue to work together on the name of 4Flash. It was then that the idea came to start into bringing to realization one of the innumerable game-ideas. This became the Sword Of Justice RTS game. The aim was nothing less than to rebuild our group through our game. Thus, anybody supporting our project not only helps the completion of the game but reunites and brings into being a new development group. Firms where members of the group have worked: Eidos, Digital Reality, Most Wanted Entertainment, 3D Brigade, Glass Fish Games… Projects: Battlestation Pacific; Dance! It’s Your Stage; Jaws Unleashed…
The project was started two years ago and we would like it to be completed it by Christmas this year. For this to be achieved we considered the Indiegogo to be the best solution for you to finance the project. If we succeed to collect the necessary support then we would prepare the game not only for theWindows but for the iPad, OSX, and Linux as well. Unfortunately there is still a lot of work to be done but we hope that together it will be possible to realize the project. Since this group has no capital reserves we can not achieve this aim other than with your help. This is also helpful since you can express continual opinion concerning it while we will listen to your ideas. This was such a game can be accomplished that is fitted to the requirements of the gamers.
To whom would they offer the game:
It is to those who loved C&C and Sudden Strike; to those who like when AI not to react in a pre-ordained manner; when the gamer with good tactics is able to win even against overwhelming odds; To those who like to upgrade the given units and use them in a manner that takes best advantage of them.
The game presents a post WWII fictive story. The campaign consists of 12 principal fields. Each field is made up of one principal mission and two subsidiary missions. At the end of each field the player receives experience-points and upgrade tokens. There is no pre-determined difficulty level in the game. Each field starts with parameters suitable for normal level. If during the game, based on losses and other data the regime determines that we can not cope with the machine, then the game changes to an easier level. If the gamer plays better than the AI, the program advances to a higher level of difficulty and the field continues with those settings. According to plans, two gamers may play a single campaign in cooperative mode. Naturally the level of difficulty also is considerably greater.
The multi-player mode consists of two parts: In one, during the usual choice of field we can play free battles ranging from 1 against 1 to 4 against 4. Each player has own profile in which he/she sets initially the colors of the nation he/she starts in. It is here possible to inspect how many battles have been won and lost by the gamer and the number of points credited. If e. g., from a battle between a more and a less experienced gamer the weaker comes out on top that gamer receives a higher number of points than would be the case were a more experienced gamer to win. The pother type of multi-player mode is part of a game of global territorial occupation. In this each player starts in the colors of his/her nation On the map each state (gamer) initially lords over a given territory. He may then attack states with common boundaries to these.
We receive a player from among the ones of the attacked state who will play with us on the given field. The territory joins the state that has more battles won on the given field. In this manner a state can expand on the greater map.
Gameplay Video :
The Project
The game primarily presents the military might of the Eastern European States. (Slovakia, Hungary, Russia, Rumania – in the case of multi-player mode only –in conjunction with the units of Japan (initially). With this these games no longer conform to the market of earlier WWII strategic games, in which mostly we can only meet with British, American and German forces.
The upgrading of units takes place in three categories for which we pay with tokens. There is scope for training of the selected type in the area of defense, attack strength and manpower. Each of them in six steps. In the course of these we can obtain such extra options as intelligent choice of aim or cooperation with other units or the possibility of calling for reinforcements or retreat in the case of critical injury…

In the course of playing against the machine following the possibly fleeing unit the player can easily run into a trap or run onto a minefields having been settled. The aim is that the AI (artificial intelligence) should try to bring logical decisions adjusting itself to the style of the player, rather than follow pre-generated road maps and plans.
From among our units, it is the commander whose role also diverges from the usual ones. E. g., he can not see further but his role is to coordinate the units within his radius of action. Thanks to this –if allowed –he can call reinforcements for a tank engaged in battle or even send a damaged tank to a more protected area or he can tell the unit which enemy to attack and order priorities. Thus e. g. our tanks do not attack the nearer infantry that are less dangerous to them, but attack the farther situated tanks even if they came within the area of sight later. It is possible with the commander unit to provide aiming points for artillery or bombing aircraft.
A further characteristic of the game is the delay of orders. Here the player can switch in this situation temporarily for the given unit . Here if he gives the order where to go, or what to attack it continues to wait until we give a global order to carry out the action. In this case all units move together and one need not be a wizard with the mouse in order to move more units and to different points at the same time.
So if you want to support this project and help make it happen, please pledge to their Indiegogo campaign.
As much as I’d like to give both sites (Kickstarter and IndieGoGo) equal chances of success, the fact that Kickstarter is a much bigger place remains. The difference might be trivial for smaller projects of, say, $10,000, but SoJ is rather ambitious. Since they aren’t limited by the non-U.S. restriction of Kickstarter (since they’ve already entered it once before), why did they instead go for IndieGoGo?
I agree that Kickstarter is bigger and they have much more higher chance to succeed there and it’s indeed a good question.