Winter Wolves released Spirited Heart Girl’s Love which is the yuri expansion to the popular fantasy life simulation game Spirited Heart.

You can now pursue 6 beautiful and interesting girls and unlock new different endings (different for each race).

Both the expansion and the main game are now merged into a single installer, using one-time online activation which eliminates the need of any extra downloads.

If you already own the original Spirited Heart game, you can buy the expansion with 50% off discount. Just enter the email you used to purchase the game to see a 50% off coupon that you can use to buy Girl’s Love.

– Girl & Boy and Girl & Girl romance options
– Three different races to play, each one with different dialog options
– Six male and six female romanceable characters for a total of 12 different subplots!
– Different ending for each race for a total of 36 unique marriage endings
– Detailed fantasy life simulation with optional dice minigame
– Complete a special “Goddess” mission for each race unlocking an extra unique ending
– Get a title by reaching special skill levels
– Many random events hidden in the game!

From the Winter Wolves Blog Post.
Spirited Heart Girl’s Love is finally out! Well, to be honest since I started this project only about 3 months passed, but seems an eternity…! I’m really pleased by the result, each girl has a very different personality, goals, and behavior. I am also happy because the race you choose really has a big impact over the story (even more than in the original game). It’s particularly evident in some characters, like Leah or Reid: playing it with an Elf character will be a very different experience than playing it wih a Demon one.

The original game and the expansion now are a unique installer: I decided to adopt this system so is easier for the users, using the one-time online activation system already implemented in my latest games. This way if you want only one version of the game, you can buy it, but if you want both versions you can buy at once (with 25% discount) and enter the email one time to get instantly both versions activated without any need of extra downloads.

As promised, if you already own the original game, you can get the expansion for 50% off. For more informations, visit this page.

if you enter the email you used to purchase the original game in the input field below the game description, you will get a unique discount code, valid for a one time 50% discount on the standard price.


Spirited Heart Girl’s Love – Ria

Thanks to our usual contributor Grzegorz Budny for the newsflash.

Winter Wolves
Spirited Heart
Spirited Heart Girl’s Love
Winter Wolves Blog Post