This Friday S2games will have a Free 2 Play Weekend for the beta accounts, as well as a new patch that will offer new features.
A new unannounced games is being worked on, and S2Games are hiring !
The Map Editor is also not forgotten.
The bringers of the Savage Games – S2Games, released Heroes Of Newerth a few months ago.
This Friday along with the new patch, S2Games will open their servers for the beta accounts who didn’t yet purchase an account.
HoN had several patches since the retail and improved a lot, with new heroes and balance fixes.
Now it’s your time to test the game again and see if it’s worth the $30 (full account) for you – for me it worth much much more, I am practically hooked to this game.
However some of HoN players are not so happy with the free2play weekend, they ask S2Games to close the stats games for the non-paying accounts so they won’t “feed” those who already purchased and raise their stats illegally.
S2Games have yet to respond to the petition.
Also S2Games mentioned that they are still working on the highly anticipated Map Editor, and it’s due to be released in the future.
S2games are working on a new unannounced game (Savege3 ?) and thus hiring staff !
They need 2D/3D artists, animators,FX, riggers, designers and off course – programmers (C++).
If you think you are good enough, try to apply.
From The Official Free2Play Announcement :
This Friday we will be introducing a patch that has some really strong updates. A quick preview of what you will see in the patch includes:
1. Report A Player functionality
2. New hero based on DotA’s Kunkka – The Gladiator
3. Complete Rampage rework
4. Gauntlet changes and undev
5. A new Item
6. Bunch of misc. balances and tweaks
To go along with this excellent patch, we will be inviting all existing beta accounts, (that have not purchased) to come back and play HoN for FREE over the weekend. Starting Friday at noon EST and ending Sunday 11:59pm EST anyone can login with their old beta account and enjoy HoN once again.
Free2Play Announcement
Heroes Of Newerth
S2games – Jobs