The Humble Indie Bundle ! Pay What You Want !
Wolfiregames the developers of the Lugaru that are currently working on Overgrowth have posted about The Humble Indie Bundle – Pay What You Want Program !
Five games in the price that you decide !
All games support GNU/Linux and there is even a real time statistics about each platform contribution !
So don’t be shy to contribute more then the minimum, think about the indies and the charities !
Prove once again that GNU/Linux Users Pay and Buy More !
If you bought those games already, you can give them to your friends and family as a gift !
Please be aware that The Humble Indie Bundle will only last for 7 days, so don’t wait for too long !
Frictional Games reports that everybody that gets the bundle are also able to buy the remaining Penumbra games (Black Plague and Requiem) with a 75% discount (for only $5 that is)!
Basically we’re taking 5 classic indie games: World of Goo, Aquaria, Gish, Lugaru HD and Penumbra Overture and bundling them in a pay-what-you-want sale. Please remember though, we’re just humble indie developers and the more you contribute, the easier it will be for us to make awesome games in the future.
Cross-Platform: PC, Mac and Linux
You’ve heard us mention how important it is to support Mac and Linux in addition to Windows, and for this promotion we didn’t want to leave anyone out (we owe special thanks to the amazing Ryan Gordon for helping make this possible).
We already echoed the philosophy which should be common knowledge among mainstream developers about why DRM doesn’t make sense. As our thanks for your participation in this humble bundle, your user-experience will not be inhibited by any DRM.
No Corporate Middle Man
Please know that there is no distributor acting as a middle man for this promotion and taking a cut of the proceeds. Your contributions will go directly to support the developers and charities (minus payment processor fees).
Buying The Bundle Helps Charity
By default two charities, Child’s Play and the Electronic Frontier Foundation share an equal part of the bundle proceeds with the five games. However, you can also customize how your donation will be split in step 3.
So Please Help Us Spread The Word!
We are really excited to see how this turns out. We don’t have a marketing budget so please tell your friends about the bundle. Tweets and Facebook shares are greatly appreciated.
We also want to thank the other indie developers for being bold enough to partake in this exciting experiment with us. Aright, enough reading, GO VISIT THE SITE!
The Humble Indie Bundle
World of Goo
Penumbra Overture
superb! thank you for the heads up. Just contributed
Hmmm, hard stuff, I already bought World of Goo 3 times, all the Penumbra games and normal Lugaru. But I’m kind of interested in the other two, especially Aquaria. Will have to think what it’s worth to me, since all of those games are great, but I already bought most of them…
I have reposted this on LinuxToday (of course linking back to lgn ^^)… Hopefully we are able to get this awesome deal and initiative spread amongst the people 😀
Just bought it. Payed $30. Gish and Aquaria are just great. Seems like they worked out that bug in Aquaria which I had with all the beta builds. Gish is also pretty nice. played through the first two levels of Gish and then played some Aquaria. Aquaria has such beautiful sound!
Your news are the very fastest! Just recived the info myself and it’s already online on your site!