Gaming Videos On GNU/Linux

Posted: 7th September 2010 by Maxim Bardin in Uncategorized
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Ever wondered how a game plays on GNU/Linux ?
Is a game worth downloading (if free) or buying ? looking for a gameplay videos on GNU/Linux ?
Now you can !

A user named Jakejw93 has a youtube channel in which you can almost 80 gameplay videos of native GNU/Linux games and about 130 of Windows games that run on GNU/Linux using Wine.

And it’s quite a popular channel with 2,143 subscribers – so the content is well worth watching !
There are even native GNU/Linux games that I never tried to run yet, so it will give you a good idea how a game is played and if it’s worth your time.

Some readers notified me that the great FOSS supporter qubodup also has a youtube channel dedicated to FOSS games.
It has loads of videos and definitely worth checking out.

Alexandrius P.Med me to let me know that he also has a youtube channel dedicated to native GNU/Linux games.

Igronomicon also has a nice channel, so check it out.

Anyone else knows of a worthy channel I’ve missed ?

Kakejw93 Youtube Channel
Qubodup Youtube Channel Dedicated To FOSS Games
Alexandrius Youtube Channel Dedicated To Native GNU/Linux Games
Igronomicon’s Channel

  1. Dont forget that qubodup has tonnes of vids of games running on linux as well, although all/most of them opensource:

  2. archl says:

    Its more awesome to see qubodup’s video

    I can see many games even I haven’t try yet.