As promised a few days ago, LGN making a contest with a prize for the winner and hopefully for all of us, here is the back-story… When Osmos was released for GNU/Linux at 28/04/2010 I published the good news on LGN. Telling people how cheap this game is I just had to buy it myself […]
Posts Tagged ‘Hemisphere Games’
LGN Contest !
Posted: 3rd May 2010 by Maxim Bardin in UncategorizedTags: Hemisphere Games, LGN Contest, Osmos
Osmos For GNU/Linux Has Been Released !
Posted: 28th April 2010 by Maxim Bardin in UncategorizedTags: Hemisphere Games, Osmos
After a short testing beta Osmos from Hemisphere Games has finally arrived to GNU/Linux ! Osmos only costs $10 so you cannot afford not to buy it ! If you still aren’t sure, try the demo which is available as .deb, 32-bit .rpm, 64-bit .rpm, or .tar.gz formats ! As a compensation for those who […]