Guillaume from Swingswing Submarine informed LGN about the GNU/Linux release of Blocks That Matter. You can buy the game at indievania for $5. A demo can be downloaded from indiedb. About When indie game developers Alexey and Markus are in trouble, their only hope comes from their creation. You are the Tetrobot: a tiny robot […]
Posts Tagged ‘Blocks That Matter’
Blocks That Matter For GNU/Linux Released !
Posted: 7th September 2011 by Maxim Bardin in UncategorizedTags: Blocks That Matter, Indievania, Swingswing Submarine
Blocks That Matter Coming Soon To GNU/Linux
Posted: 17th May 2011 by Maxim Bardin in UncategorizedTags: Blocks That Matter, Platform, Seasons After Fall, Swingswing Submarine
Swingswing Submarine the company that is working on Seasons After Fall (release date : when it’s done), has now released a new game called Blocks That Matter, and soon will port it to GNU/Linux. Blocks That Matter is a puzzle/platformer in which a tiny driller robot travels underground in order to save its creators, kidnapped […]